Our Disclaimer Ensures your Safety
Disclaimer Heaven 4ur Pet is all about safety. We have put the information on our site in a manner that we believe to be true. However, there are times when this information will become outdated or overlooked. We are not responsible when this happens. It is not done with ill intentions and if you see this sort of information, please contact us. We are very much for pet safety and health.
Our services and staff members are dedicated to offering pet services with kindness and love. Should you not enjoy being around other pets and animals, you may not want to come to our facility. We have many different animals that come to see and stay with us. We do our best to keep the ones that are fearful away from what they are fearing. For example, should you have a guinea pig come stay with us, we will not be placing them into the cat room. They will be off in their own safe space.
Links and Safety Commitments
Our disclaimer on the inbound and outbound links adheres to the international standards. We have no control over what is linked from our website or even less control over what is linking to our website. Should you find our website from a link that doesn’t make sense, let us know. We can try to figure out how and why that happened. It is important that we are made aware of any strange misunderstandings that could lead to ill will for our website and services.
We wish no ill will with our website and offer nothing but safe and clean services for our pets and guests. We are not liable should you use this website and you experience data loss. While we do our best to safeguard the site, there are times when things might go wrong. We do not have full control over the website, contents or links to or from the site and will not be liable for something that is misrepresenting.

Our Liability to Services and Recommendations!
We are not liable for any loss or damage caused by this website. You are to use any information you find on our website at your own risk. The information you find on the website is for your information only. We do not expect you to become your own vet at home but expect you to call on the professionals when needed. Some of this information is regarding the medical care of your pets and we take this very seriously. If you feel that your pet is in need of medical care, we advise you to seek the proper treatment. Please consider this disclaimer very seriously. However, please be sure that we adhere to the highest State regulation of veterinary facilities.
We are not always on top of our emails and chats, so please do give us a call to get your appointment straight away, should this be an emergency. We are here to help in any way we can. If you call for medical advice, we can give you advice over the phone. But, we are not responsible for the outcome. We believe that you should bring the animal to the office for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Giving advice over the phone is based on what you tell us. Should you miss something this could be detrimental to your pet’s health. It is not advised to go looking for answers for your pet’s health online but to seek the proper medical attention.